Chirpy Check


Chirpycheck Customer Vulnerability Policy


1. Introduction

At Chirpycheck, we are committed to providing a secure and trustworthy environment for our customers. We understand that some customers may be more vulnerable than others and may require additional support and safeguards. This Customer Vulnerability Policy outlines our commitment to identifying, assisting, and protecting vulnerable customers who use our services.

2. Definitions

  • Vulnerable Customer: A vulnerable customer is someone who, due to their personal circumstances, may be at a higher risk of financial or emotional harm when using our services. This can include, but is not limited to, individuals with disabilities, mental health issues, financial difficulties, or limited English proficiency.

3. Commitment to Vulnerable Customers

Chirpycheck is committed to the fair and ethical treatment of all our customers, including those who may be vulnerable. We pledge to:

3.1. Identify Vulnerable Customers

We will make reasonable efforts to identify customers who may be vulnerable. This may include recognizing signs of vulnerability in customer interactions, monitoring customer behavior, and being attentive to customer requests for assistance.

3.2. Provide Support and Guidance

For customers who are identified as vulnerable, we will offer appropriate support and guidance. This may include providing clear and accessible information, offering assistance in understanding their credit report, and helping them make informed decisions about managing their credit score.

3.3. Privacy and Confidentiality

We will handle all customer information, including information about their vulnerability, with the utmost care and confidentiality, in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

3.4. Accessibility

We are committed to making our website and services as accessible as possible for all customers, including those with disabilities. We will make reasonable accommodations to ensure that our services are accessible to everyone.

3.5. Fair Pricing

We will be transparent about our pricing structure, including the monthly charge of £12.95, and ensure that vulnerable customers are not unfairly charged or pressured into using our services.

3.6. Complaints Handling

We will have a dedicated process for handling complaints from vulnerable customers and will address their concerns promptly and fairly.

3.7. Training and Awareness

Our staff will be trained to recognize and respond to signs of customer vulnerability, and they will be aware of this policy and its importance in providing support to vulnerable customers.

4. Reporting Vulnerability Concerns

If you believe that you or someone you know may be a vulnerable customer and require additional support, or if you have concerns about our treatment of vulnerable customers, please contact our Customer Support team immediately.

5. Review and Updates

This Customer Vulnerability Policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Any updates or changes to this policy will be communicated to all staff members and made available to customers on our website.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding our Customer Vulnerability Policy or our services, please contact us at:

Chirpycheck Owned and Operated by Reeks Marketing LTD


Chirpycheck is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for all customers, especially those who may be vulnerable. We are committed to treating all customers with fairness, respect, and dignity, and we will continue to uphold these principles in our interactions and services.